Charlie Harper
Charlie Harper

Intentando pagar el alquiler. Mientras intenta pagar las facturas. Mientras intenta pagar las deudas. Mientras intenta mejorar su puntuación de crédito. Mientras intenta ahorrar. Mientras intenta curarse. Mientras intentas ser positivo. Mientras intentas esquivar las piedras que te lanzan. Mientras intentas vivir bien. Mientras intentas seguir sonriendo ❣️ more


    Im going to admit, sometimes I lose track of whats important.

    Im being inflated out of ever owning any assets, Im full of poison vaccine and I cant pay my bills.

    Im only one unexpected bill from homelessness and im starting to get the sneaking suspicion the news is lying to me.

    They say the economy is great but I cant afford to eat the same food I ate only a year or two ago?

    I found myself over worked and stressed and sad.

    I barely see my kids because I have to work so many hours.

    I guess youtube and the school raises they/them now.


    Thats what they learnt in school.

    I find it uncomfortable and awkward but I dont have time to disagree with them about it.

    If thats what theyve learnt, I guess thats what it is.

    This was all starting to get me down.

    I admit.

    The bills, the stress, the lies, the lack of control over my childrens futures and then... Something happened that finally fixed my depression.


    Its amazing how you lose track of the important things in life when youre caught up under so much stress.

    Did you know my favourite globalist leftist narcissist WON?

    Im too busy smiling to be hungry.

    Im just so happy it matters so much.

    Ive been writing to her for years and shes never replied, but I think she really cares about me and my struggle.

    And oh my god, did you see Trevor Noahs speech?
    Hes soooooooo funny! lolol.

    For the first time in a long time I saw my cars gas light and thought, who cares!

    Everythings in perspective again and im feeling so grateful.

    Im finally focused on whats important so this is a huge THANK YOU to all of the millionaire celebrities who tell me to eat the bugs and live in private gated homes away from the illegal immigrants they campaign for.

    Thank you guys for going to the Grammys and letting me watch it.

    I dont know how ill ever repay you ❤️ more

      I'm offline for the summer. Thanks for keeping me company. You're the best coworkers ever. If you're in the chaturboxxx, you can still message me and keep in communications while you boost your viewer count.
      Otherwise, maybe I'll be back in December.
      Take care of yourselves. Nice to meet you. Have a great summer.


      Estoy desconectado durante el verano. Gracias por hacerme compañía. Sois los mejores compañeros de trabajo. Si estás en el
      chaturboxxx, aún puedes enviarme mensajes y mantenerte en comunicación mientras aumentas tu número de espectadores.
      Si no, quizá vuelva en diciembre.
      Cuídense. Encantado de conocerte. Que pases un buen verano. more