Mrs Narrator
Mrs Narrator

“If you want an example of how housebroken Americans are, right now there’s mass protests in several states. They aren’t demanding rent freezes, or UBI, or healthcare. They’re demanding the right to go out and die to keep making the ruling class richer.”

“If you want an example of how housebroken Americans are, right now there’s mass protests in several states. They aren’t demanding rent freezes, or UBI, or healthcare. They’re demanding the right to go out and die to keep making the ruling class richer.”

    ?Trayvon was killed, y?all bought skittles n Arizona tea Michael Brown was killed, y?all got ?Hand up, don?t shoot? shirts Eric Garner was killed, y?all got ?I can?t breathe? shirts Ahmaud Arbery was killed, y?all bout to jog They got us being brand ambassadors for our own murders? more

    “Trayvon was killed, y’all bought skittles n Arizona tea Michael Brown was killed, y’all got ‘Hand up, don’t shoot’ shirts Eric Garner was killed, y’all got ‘I can’t breathe” shirts Ahmaud Arbery was killed, y’all bout to jog They got us being brand ambassadors for our own murders” more

      “Only in a racist culture do we think it’s ever reasonable for two armed white men to demand a black man jogging to stop for THEM... on the authority of what ?!?

      Whiteness is not a badge of authority. (Even if it thinks so) Blackness does not need to be controlled or detained. t more

      ?only in a racist culture do we think it?s ever reasonable for two armed white men to demand a black man jogging to stop for them... on the authority of what ?!? whiteness is not a badge of authority. (even if it thinks so) blackness does not need to be controlled or detained. t ? more