I have met my closes friends on this app. There is so much good that can come from Instagram and one of them has been finding my community on here. If you are a creative or someone that just needs a friend or a group of people that can encourage you and lift you up to your full potential, don’t be afraid to be the first one to start conversations. I sent messages to people I would love to create with or just get coffee/matcha < fo me. If you feel like you have no friends or it’s hard to make friends, start with what you pick up everyday and use it for good! Reach out to people on here and send them an encouraging message, you just never know what might happen, the may end up being your BEST FRIEND. Some of these people that are in my life right now, I cry because I am so thankful that Jesus can use anything to bring certain people to change your life in the best way!! Ps… Dm me so we can be friends. 🤎
@jaydaiye ...read more