Well, hopefully she gets grabbed. OR just raped. That'd be funny.
Well, hopefully she gets grabbed. OR just raped. That'd be funny.
This is what an angel looks like!😢😢
Credit- Boniface Ogunti
#Flashback to #WTF
The Epoch Times - Shiba dog rocks baby in car seat | Facebook
The most adorable baby sitter 😊
Credit: Newsflare
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just wanted to show off my new frames 🤓🤓
fuckin fans CLB - zorojuro
From an episode on Little house on the prairie. Tell me it dont hit home. Especially right now.
This is horrible, disgusting, and yet a reality that so many have to deal with on a quotidian basis. Ppl need to keep their hands to them damn selves and stop with this racist bullsh^!
#Woke #wokeaf #wokewednesdays #alphaphialpha #peopleofcolor #activism #deltasigmatheta #blacklivesmatter #tea #racist #latino #latina #studentaffairs #latinx #alphakappaalpha #kappaalphapsi #phibetasigma #zetaphibeta #racism #staywoke #poc #advocacy #omegapsiphi #metoo #immigration #blm #sigmagammarho #iotaphitheta #divinenine
~WokeWednesdays on wokewednesdays
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Veterinarians Might Have The Best Stories. Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald
Veterinarians might have the best stories, or at least Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald has some pretty good stories from his veterinary practice. In this clip from his first ever Dry Bar Comedy special, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald tells some hilarious stories from his experience as a veterinarian. Whether you're someone who is considering becoming a vet, or you're just someone looking for a good laugh, this clip from Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald is sure to have you laughing from start to finish.
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