My new passport/ driving license photo 😭 x
Couldn’t have got my hair laid by anyone better @remilaide !! It’s giving Real Life Goddess😍✨
~A T I M O J E R A. on atimxo
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New passport/driving license photo 😭 x
Just a few hidden gems from my usual self directed shoots, I was really in my element~ x
~A T I M O J E R A. on atimxo
@thejumabrand @mevmami
The Muse
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East African Girl x
Awww thankyou boo! I’ve decided I’m gonna go for this look😭✨
These are my ideas but the second picture is a NEED😍😍😍 and shes darkskinned too so I’m trying to match it to my skin tone more, it looks soo good on her😫
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO A NATURAL BORN GODDESS AND LEADER!!!!!🌞🔥🌞🔥Life has an incredible way of working and I’m so blessed to be alive, healthy, smart, beautiful and THRIVING!!! This has been a really crazy year for me in every aspect of life. So many UPS and a few downs too!! However, each blessing AND challenge thrown at me has only made me a more focused, determined, intelligent, humble, POWERFUL and graceful woman!!! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS CHAPTER OF MY LIFE TO START NOW THAT IT HAS BEGAN!! There’s A LOT (and I mean A LOTTTTT😭🙏🏿) I’m keeping EXTREMELY humble and quiet about right now, and I’m so glad I never rushed my process or tried to do things in any one else’s time BUT GOD’s time!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR ALWAYS BEING SO SUPPORTIVE AND ROOTING FOR ME EVEN WHEN I FELT LIKE GIVING UP!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE BIRTHDAY LOVE!!!😭😭🥺🥺✨✨
(A BIG thankyou to my sis @mevmami for this INCREDIBLE CUSTOM MADE set😭 I’m still in AWE😍!!)
~A T I M O J E R A. on atimxo
Blessed and Highly Flavored
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As a darkskin girl I’ve always been afraid of hair colour but @thelondonbeat really made me see that colour is just right for us🤯😍🔥💫
~A T I M O J E R A. on atimxo
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