soundboxxx is the rebirth of social media from the founders of the original 1987 social concept. It also marks the world’s first Social Network for audio conversations and the first social network for Canada. Anyone can register to start a podcast or record an interesting audio thread or upload a previously recorded, full quality recording. With optimum sharing to share to your favorite fringe networks. more
"> sound boxxx as soundboxxx ♏
sound boxxx
sound boxxx

This is going to be a tough week for first responders.

This week we will respond to car wrecks filled with bodies and Christmas gifts, we will respond to cardiac arrests during family dinners, we will respond to suicides for the people where this isn't the happiest time of year. We will respond to drug overdoses, murders and sexual assaults.

. .....and when our shift is over we'll return to our families, act like none of it happened and try to enjoy the holiday season. Let's stick together this week everyone and be safe.

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